GMOs, first introduced in 1983, are microorganisms, plants or animals whose genes have been artificially altered, transferred from one organism to another, or even from species to species. Unless you eat strictly organic, or from an heirloom garden, you are undoubtedly ingesting genetically modified organisms. The National Library of Medicine states that GMOs pose a number of risks for humanity. As of 2023, and despite biotech’s dubious assurances, GMOs are restricted in 60 countries and totally banned in 26 more, including France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Russia, China, India, as well as in 19 European Union countries. There are no laws banning GMOs in the USA and Canada. Incidentally, even large health food stores like Whole Foods, operating in the USA, Canada and the UK now carry GMO products.
As researchers continue to tamper with Mother Nature, GMOs are being modified to increase yields and to delay ripening after picking. Many GMO plant mutations contain the poison glyphosate and are being mass produced for nonselective weed control. The GMO plants themselves are modified to be resistant to this poison. GMOs can also be grown to impact a person’s health. In other words, GMOs can deliver synthetic vitamins and other substances developers have decided you need with or without your approval. Medicine, pharmaceuticals, vaccines and human characteristic modifications are in the pipeline.
GMO Frankenfoods
Like recognizes like, and our bodies recognize and easily process natural foods. But when unnatural, chemically engineered elements enter the body, the body goes into a self-protective mode, which results in various side effects such as headaches, fatigue, allergies, blood sugar disorders, mental issues and metabolism disorders. Continued use can set the stage for more serious problems like cancer and kidney and gastronomical tract diseases. Unnatural substances, chemical toxins and the resultant imbalances build up over the years. Consequently, the older people get, the sicker they become, which is why 9 out of 10 seniors over age 60 are now on one or more prescription drugs.
Several GMO “Frankenfoods” that are prevalent in the supermarkets are corn, soybeans, potatoes, eggplant, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, cantaloupe, papaya, carrots, zucchini, Canola, cottonseed and soybean vegetable oils, margarine and sugar beets. GMO foodstuff is also fed to livestock, poultry and our pets.
Advantages and Disadvantages of GMOs
What are the advantages and disadvantages of GMOs with respect to health? GMOs are suspected of causing alterations to biochemical pathways that can lead to toxic buildup. Another potential problems is outcrossing, which occurs when GMO genes pass into wild plants and other crops, thus also effecting birds, insects and other species. We fear what we don’t understand and what we don’t understand is exactly which chemicals are being used in the process of genetically modifying plants and animals. The processes are not on the labels.
Long Term Effects of GMOs
The bottom line is that GMOs long-term effects on plants, wildlife and humans, like the chemical cocktails that are being systematically pumped into our environment, is unknown. We do know that viral resistance can lead to the formation of new viruses and therefore new health risks. The evolution of resistant pests and weeds termed superbugs and superweeds is another potential problem. Pest populations can also shift to other plants that were once unthreatened. From a toxicological standpoint, further investigation is required to determine if the residue from herbicide or pest resistant plants can harm organisms found in surrounding soil, such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, worms, and other microorganisms. Also, the transfer of manipulated animal genes into plants is not included on the labels, as such consumer knowledge is considered bad for profits.
GMOs and Current Research
The National Institute of Health states that nearly 300 million Americans, 1,350 million Chinese, 280 million Brazilians and millions elsewhere regularly eat GMO foods, directly or indirectly. The profiteers simply ask us to buy the GMO food and trust them. I remember when I was seven years old and fixing to get my tonsils removed, my doctor was smoking a cigarette when he checked my vitals. The tobacco companies, like the GMO companies of today, made smoking look cool and once claimed tobacco was good for you.
Aside from reduced nutritional value, disruption of biodiversity and the release of toxins into the soil, Healthline points out that current research suggests that GMOs can also cause allergies, cancer and a host of ensuing environmental issues. Most GMOs are now bred to be resistant to poisons like Roundup, which is one of the reasons bugs and birds are disappearing from farmer’s fields. In addition, Reuters states that pesticide use has increased by 404 million pounds since GMOs were introduced.
GMOs and the FDA
The FDA does not require labels and tens of millions of people are now guinea pigs testing GMO foods. 93% of corn grown in the USA is GMO corn. Supermarket shelves are packed with products that use corn derivatives like GMO corn syrup as a sweetener. Read labels carefully! The labels won’t necessarily say GMO, but say bioengineered food, or they may have the USDA bioengineered label. Deceptively, the package may just say “Scan here for more information.” Healthline warns that a product labeled as organic may also have some GMO ingredients, whereas a product labeled 100% organic should not.
GMOs Must be Tested
Our bodies become what we eat, so we should demand that GMOs are subject to extensive testing. We can avoid foods not labeled organic, or without a non-GMO project seal. We can support local organic farmers. For those that want detailed information, as well as detox solutions, read Fasting Firepower by Marjan. The historical, scientific and spiritual answers may surprise you, challenge you, and quite possibly save your life or the lives of your loved ones.