Synthetic Vitamins Create Expensive Urine

Synthetic Vitamins Create Expensive Urine

Used for metabolic processes, fighting infections, strengthening eyes, bones, teeth and gums, and for regulating hormones, vitamins are 13 micronutrients you can’t live without. Organic plants and organic products can supply all the vitamins, supplements and minerals a body needs. If you have a specific vitamin deficiency, it’s best to get vitamins from organic foods grown in nutrient rich, chemical free soil.

Should Synthetic Vitamins be Taken Daily?

Synthetic vitamins taken daily, or in large quantities, are generally ineffective. Studies have shown that synthetic vitamins, and especially multivitamins, can harm your kidneys, liver and cause severe heart problems. Ingesting synthetic vitamins can also lead to muscle pain, mood disorders, abdominal pain, kidney stones and raise the risk of stroke.

Synthetic Vitamins and the FDA

According to the FDA, more than half of American adults take supplements daily. Forbes Business Insights states that the global vitamin market was $146.14 billion in 2023 and projected to grow to $154.98 billion. Johns Hopkins nutrition experts say that people’s money could be better spent on nutrient-packed foods like fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.

Masquerading behind keywords like health, life, nutrition, nature, enhanced, essential, support, natural and best, the synthetic vitamin and supplement profiteers spend nearly $900 million a year on advertising. Each individual vitamin and supplement has its own market share and a well-crafted, deceptively worded marketing scheme. With all the hype, it has become nearly impossible for consumers to separate fact from fiction. The American public has been lied to for decades concerning vitamins and the reason is the love of money.

Regrettably, 9 out of 10 seniors over the age of 60, many of whom have taken synthetic vitamins, eaten processed foods, and been degraded by other harmful chemicals over a lifetime are now also taking pharmaceutical drugs. Everyone desires to be healthy and that is the main reason people are being cheated. The most heinous of profiteers, these companies have gotten into the majority of people’s pockets by claiming to help them.

Testing Synthetic Vitamins 

Under the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, vitamins and supplements were classified as a category of food and not subject to the safety and effectiveness testing required by the FDA for drugs before they hit the market. In essence, this allows manufacturers to regulate their own products, thus putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. JoAnn Manson, DrPH, MPH, MD, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health states, “Many supplements on the market have not been rigorously tested. Very few supplements have been shown to be of benefit.”

The Impact of Synthetic Vitamins 

Most synthetic vitamins have zero impact, and according to Nutrivitality, less than 10% of tablets or capsules are even absorbed by the body, a fact that the vitamin companies fail to tell us. At best, synthetic vitamins are a waste of money and only create expensive urine. The one positive is that the FDA unveiled its new Dietary Supplement Ingredient Directory, a webpage designed to inform the public about the ingredients used in dietary supplements.

In summation, synthetic vitamins can have harmful side effects, interact negatively with pharmaceuticals, and with each other, as well as cause bonafide medications to lose their effectiveness. Our bodies are marvelous machines that can naturally detox a lot of unhealthy material, but the body has its limits. Attempts to pass legislation to reign in the abuses have all failed. Given the health risks we already face from the ever growing list of chemical cocktails, subtracting synthetic vitamins from one’s diet is an easy fix. We can stop the unconscionable profiteers by refusing to buy the lies!

The Truth About Synthetic Vitamins 

People need to know the truth, learn what foods to buy, how to practice prevention, how to heal naturally, how to protect their finances, and ESPECIALLY HOW TO DETOXIFY. If you want to learn more about the harmful chemicals we are being subjected to, where they are lurking, and how to effectively deal with them, do yourself and your loved ones a favor and read Fasting Firepower by Marjan. Combining science, history, spiritual wisdom and over 50 years of personal experience, Fasting Firepower is one of the most insightful books ever written on fasting, detoxification and natural healing. The straightforward answers may surprise you, challenge you and quite possibly save your life!