Grape Fasting
Grape fasting has long been known as an effective approach to detoxification, rejuvenation and natural healing. All it takes is eating 4 to 6 pounds of organic grapes a day and drinking a lot of pure water for further hydration. Considered the food of the gods, there are over 10,000 varieties of grapes grown worldwide. […]
Valuable Water Fasting Facts
Valuable Water Fasting Facts highlight the critical role water plays in our bodies. Comprising 75% of an adult body and up to 90% of an infant’s, water is essential for stimulation, circulation, digestion, absorption, elimination, lubricating joints, and regulating body temperature. A universal solvent with a positive and negative charge, water needs frequent replenishment. A […]
50 reasons to fast – Find a Reason
“Fasting does no harm and is always worth trying.” Dr. Otto Buchinger Help cure disorders Help relieve the body of poisons and toxins Help a body heal faster Fasting is preventative Build resistance to disease and infection Rejuvenate down to the cellular level Allow for nutritional reorganization Extend life Help repair damaged livers Help diseases […]
Can Fasting Help You Lose Weight? What You Need to Know.
In the quest for effective weight loss strategies, fasting has always been a popular option. However, most people are unaware of the science behind it and how it can truly help. In this blog, we will be answering a burning question, “Can fasting truly help you lose weight?” and “What do you need to know […]