Autolysis, as it relates to fasting and detoxification, is one of the most encouraging scientific discoveries ever made! During a fast, the heat of autolysis, or self-digestion, accelerates like a refiner’s furnace, burning impurities from our bodies. When a silversmith desires to fashion a worthy vessel, they heat the silver over and over again and impurities rise to the surface. The impurities are scooped off time and time again, until the silver is pure enough for fabrication.
Dr. Otto Buchinger calls autolysis “refuse disposal”.
What is a fever?
A fever is a natural defense mechanism and often the best thing that can happen. When there is an impurity in the body, a fever may occur in order to burn away the problem invader. A fever is natural autolysis.
“Give me the power to induce a fever and I will show you the way to cure all disease.” Author Unknown
Our elimination organs, the lungs, skin, kidneys, bowels, and our body’s filter the liver, instinctually know when we are fasting, remain active, and work overtime to expel impurities. During a fast, the body burns all non-essential matter before it ever touches the vital muscles, organs and tissues. Not one vital bodily component is consumed during a fast until all the impurities are gone. The more vital the tissue, the safer it is during a fast.
The body is brilliantly designed.
A human body is brilliantly designed to live on its own stored resources, as are animals, birds, and even insects. For example, a boa constrictor weighing 200 pounds, can survive on its own stored substance for up to a year between meals. Since the body receives no food during a fast, the body searches for nourishment and autolysis ensues, burning aged, morbid, damaged or dead cells, fatty tissues, toxins and poisons, calcium and mineral deposits, superfluous fluids, mucous, reserve protein, undigested food, metabolic waste, cysts, tumors, free radicals, uric acid, and all unhealthy tissue.
Eat fresh, natural food, exercise and detoxify.
Most debilitating conditions are naturally reversable by eating fresh, natural foods, applying good habits, exercise, detoxification and periodic fasting. In addition, our bodily cells are regenerated and renewed every year, as is every organ. If our bodies are renewed annually, then why do we continue to be in bad health? Why is our body not brand new every year? The answer is simple. We overeat, consume and drink the wrong things, maintain unhealthy habits and get intoxicated. We also absorb harmful toxins from processed foods and accumulate chemical pollutants that are increasingly prevalent in our environment. Such contaminants bog us down and we may feel fatigued and stressed. Our cells may be new, but they simply inherit the toxic overload and bad habits that were lodged in our old cells. Science has yet to measure the effects of debilitating vices like pride, anger, lust, unforgiveness, selfishness, bitterness, envy and hate, which create neurotoxins that also lodge in various parts of our bodies and cause a multitude of exacting conditions.
Toxic Accumulation
As we age, we become more susceptible to disease, the accumulation of toxins increases, our metabolism slows down, and it becomes more difficult to lose weight. If people never fast or detoxify, their bodies eventually become overly burdened and they inevitably fall prey to doctor drug dealer and their never-ending list of pharmaceutical drugs. In the end, toxic saturation can cause a serious disease. How many of our elderly suffer needlessly with headaches, fatigue, low energy, mental problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, strokes and heart disease, and are then prescribed pills for the rest of their lives?
When a person initially starts to fast, their determination, stamina and focus are likely to be challenged. For instance, a person may get a severe headache or experience extreme nausea during day one or two. All this means is that a lot of toxins are being released into the bloodstream for elimination. A person may stop the fast at this juncture and then do a number of short fasts until the toxic overload in their bodies is diminished. At this juncture, a person should remind themselves of the myriad of fasting benefits and the ongoing purification. Toxins are being released, organs are being rested, and the body is healing on every level. As a faster gains experience and as the toxins are reduced, fasting becomes pleasant, invigorating and even looked forward to. A person need only remind themselves that by fasting their entire system will reach its ultimate potential!
“Fasting Firepower should be required reading in every classroom.” Holistic Practitioner
Excerpt from Fasting Firepower by Marjan