Essential Water Purification Methods

To prevent disease, purify your water.

A simple and inexpensive way to prevent disease is to purify drinking water by using essential water purification methods. According to Diet for a Poisoned Planet, less than 1% of the earth’s surface water is safe to drink. 10% to 40% of private wells are contaminated. A growing list of contaminants make it into our […]

Essiac Tea

Essiac Tea is a general tonic that enlivens, stimulates and bolsters the immune system, aids in detoxification and reduces inflammation.

“If people would only detoxify and fast, a fair percentage of the sickness, mental illness, and addictions in our society would simply disappear.” Marjan   What are the benefits of Essiac Tea? Most of us are aware of the toxic environment we live in. Many people are unduly tired, sick and needlessly dying. Alarm bells are […]

Diet, Nutrition, Processed Foods & the FDA

Proper nutrition and a balanced diet are indispensable in protecting our minds and bodies against disease.

Proper nutrition and a balanced diet are indispensable in protecting our minds and bodies against disease. Today’s doctors can diagnose ailments, treat illnesses and dispense drugs, but according to a report by the Harvard Law School in their Food Law and Policy Clinic, less than 1% of medical student’s lecture hours are dedicated to nutrition, […]

Healing Power of Grapes Detoxification, Rejuvenation and Natural Health Benefits

Healing Power of Grapes

Grape fasting has long been known as an effective approach to detoxification, rejuvenation and natural healing. All it takes is eating 4 to 6 pounds of organic grapes a day and drinking a lot of pure water for further hydration. Considered the food of the gods, there are over 10,000 varieties of grapes grown worldwide. […]

Fasting Firepower and Weight Loss

Fasting will help you lose weight.

“We live off 25% of what we eat. The doctors live off the other 75%.” Benjamin Franklin Fasting and Weight Loss are increasingly gaining attention as effective approaches to combating obesity and improving overall health. The health movement has backfired. Twenty-six thousand diets were studied, and the Washington Post concluded that 99% of them had […]

Valuable Water Fasting Facts

Valuable Water Fasting Facts

Valuable Water Fasting Facts highlight the critical role water plays in our bodies. Comprising 75% of an adult body and up to 90% of an infant’s, water is essential for stimulation, circulation, digestion, absorption, elimination, lubricating joints, and regulating body temperature. A universal solvent with a positive and negative charge, water needs frequent replenishment. A […]

Incredible Blood Facts

Incredible Blood Facts

If we connected the 60,000 miles of veins in our bodies, they would wrap around our planet 2½ times. All the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sugars, fats and oxygen are sent uninterruptedly through these veins to each and every one of an adult’s 35 trillion cells. The heart pumps blood through our veins at […]

What is Autolysis?


Autolysis, as it relates to fasting and detoxification, is one of the most encouraging scientific discoveries ever made! During a fast, the heat of autolysis, or self-digestion, accelerates like a refiner’s furnace, burning impurities from our bodies. When a silversmith desires to fashion a worthy vessel, they heat the silver over and over again and […]

A Priceless Nugget of Wisdom

A Priceless Nugget of Wisdom

Can you guess the AMAZING THREAD I discovered while researching famous personalities that are responsible for some of humanity’s most celebrated achievements? Michelangelo, who sculpted the statue of David and the Pieta, and painted the Sistine Chapel practiced fasting. Benjamin Franklin, a scientist, inventor, diplomat, printer, publisher and political philosopher fasted regularly. The celebrated painter […]

50 reasons to fast – Find a Reason

50 reasons to fast – Find a reason

 “Fasting does no harm and is always worth trying.” Dr. Otto Buchinger Help cure disorders Help relieve the body of poisons and toxins Help a body heal faster Fasting is preventative Build resistance to disease and infection Rejuvenate down to the cellular level Allow for nutritional reorganization Extend life Help repair damaged livers Help diseases […]