50 reasons to fast – Find a reason
50 reasons to fast – Find a reason “Fasting does not harm, and is always worth trying.” Dr. Otto Buchinger
- Help cure disorders
- Help relieve the body of poisons and toxins
- Help a body heal faster
- Fasting is preventative
- Build resistance to disease and infection
- Rejuvenate down to the cellular level
- Allow for nutritional reorganization
- Extend life
- Help repair damaged livers
- Help diseases disappear
- Burn unnecessary fat
- Build physical stamina
- Rest vital organs
- Destroy sick and superfluous substances
- Develop muscular flexibility
- Improve intestinal and stomach passages
- Strengthen connective tissue
- Restore gall bladder function
- Restore our ability to assimilate nutrients
- Lessen fat content in the blood
- Regulate blood sediment and blood sugar
- Reduce high blood pressure
- Clean and thin blood
- Improve food assimilation
- Correct hormone imbalances
- Look and feel younger
- Clear the complexion
- Cleanse joints
- Clear the mind
- Sharpen the mind
- Boost cognitive performance
- Become more alert
- Release tension
- Sleep less
- Allow for an ease of gases
- Strengthen the heart
- Diminish deposits in the arteries
- Destroy fat in the vascular walls
- Increase immunity
- Leave a person in the best possible shape
- Help overcome addictions
- Reduce inflammation
- Strengthen nerves
- Improve overall fitness
- Decrease the risk of metabolic diseases
- Protect against neurodegeneration
- Balance emotions
- It gives us a feeling of greater self-assurance
- It provides an enhanced capacity for prayer
- Can bring a believer closer to God
- 50 reasons to fast
- 50 reasons to fast
- 50 reasons to fast