50 reasons to fast – Find a reason

  50 reasons to fast – Find a reason

   50 reasons to fast – Find a reason “Fasting does not harm, and is always worth trying.” Dr. Otto Buchinger

  1. Help cure disorders
  2. Help relieve the body of poisons and toxins
  3. Help a body heal faster
  4. Fasting is preventative
  5. Build resistance to disease and infection
  6. Rejuvenate down to the cellular level
  7. Allow for nutritional reorganization
  8. Extend life
  9. Help repair damaged livers
  10. Help diseases disappear
  11. Burn unnecessary fat
  12. Build physical stamina
  13. Rest vital organs
  14. Destroy sick and superfluous substances
  15. Develop muscular flexibility
  16. Improve intestinal and stomach passages
  17. Strengthen connective tissue
  18. Restore gall bladder function
  19. Restore our ability to assimilate nutrients
  20. Lessen fat content in the blood
  21. Regulate blood sediment and blood sugar
  22. Reduce high blood pressure
  23. Clean and thin blood
  24. Improve food assimilation
  25. Correct hormone imbalances
  26. Look and feel younger
  27. Clear the complexion
  28. Cleanse joints
  29. Clear the mind
  30. Sharpen the mind
  31. Boost cognitive performance
  32. Become more alert
  33. Release tension
  34. Sleep less
  35. Allow for an ease of gases
  36. Strengthen the heart
  37. Diminish deposits in the arteries
  38. Destroy fat in the vascular walls
  39. Increase immunity
  40. Leave a person in the best possible shape
  41. Help overcome addictions
  42. Reduce inflammation
  43. Strengthen nerves
  44. Improve overall fitness
  45. Decrease the risk of metabolic diseases
  46. Protect against neurodegeneration
  47. Balance emotions
  48. It gives us a feeling of greater self-assurance
  49. It provides an enhanced capacity for prayer
  50. Can bring a believer closer to God
  51. 50 reasons to fast
  52. 50 reasons to fast
  53. 50 reasons to fast